Accueil > Les Negro spirituals > Le répertoire des Negro spirituals : textes et enregistrements > Were you there, when they crucified my Lord ?

Were you there, when they crucified my Lord ?

lundi 15 mai 2006

1 Were you there, when they crucified my Lord
Were you there, when they crucified my Lord ?
Oh, sometimes, it causes me
To tremble, tremble, tremble
Were you there, when they crucified my Lord

2 Were you there, When they nailed Him to the Tree

3 Were you there, When they pierced Him in the side

4 Were you there, When the sun refused to shine

5 Were you there, When they laid Him in the tomb

Enregistré par : Pat Lewis

Were you there - 103th street Gospel Choir & Pat Lewis

par : Rev D.-C. Rice

Were you there - Rev. D.C. Rice

par : Barbara Hendricks & Dmitri Alexeev

Were you there ? - Barbara Hendricks & Dmitri Alexeev

par : Paul Robeson

Were you there ? - Paul Robeson

par : Derek Lee Ragin & Moses Hogan

Were you there - Derek Lee Ragin & Moses Hogan

par : Mavis Staples & Lucky Peterson

Were you there ? - Mavis Staples & Lucky Peterson

par : Virginia Vee

Were you there - Virginia Vee

et par : Mahalia Jackson

Were you there - Mahalia Jackson

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