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Shadrack, Meechack and Abendnego

lundi 15 mai 2006

The story of Shadrack, Meechack and Abendnego

1 They were three children of the land of Israel
They took a little trip to the land of Babylon
Nabuchodonosor was the King of Babylon
He took a lot of gold and made him an idol
Then he told everybody when he’ll hear the music of the cornet
He told everybody when he’ll hear the music of the flute
And he told everybody when he’ll hear the music of the harp (Good God !)

2 You’ve got to bow down and worship an idol
But the children of Israel would not bow down
You couldn’t fool them with the golden idol
I said you couldn’t fool them with the golden idol
Shadrack, Meechack, Abendnego-ho

3 So the King put the children in the firy furnace
The he heaped on coal with red hot brimstones
Made it seven time hotter than it ought to be
Even one of the soldiers of the King had burn there
Shadrack, Meechack, Abendnego-ho

4 Then my God sent down and Angel out, Boy !
He gave him a couple of wings
He went scratching down in the middle of furnace and began to cool the flames
The children they got so happy they went straight right through the fire
Just left and been talking about the power of the Gospel
Shadrack, Meechack, Abendnego-ho

5 Then old Nebuchodonosor said « hey there » when he saw the power of the Lord
Then they had a big time in the land of Babylon

Enregistré par : The Golden Gate Quartet

Shadrack - The Golden Gate Quartet

par : Palata singers

Shadrack - Palata singers

et par : Louis Armstrong

Shadrack - Louis Armstrong and the Good Book

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