Accueil > Les Negro spirituals > La discothèque du Park Glee Club > Negro spirituals la tradition de concert 1909-1948

Negro spirituals la tradition de concert 1909-1948

jeudi 26 août 2010


Contenu (CD 1)

1 Deep river

Deep river - Marian Anderson

2 My Lord, what a morning

My Lord, what a morning - Marian Anderson

3 Heav’n Heav’n

Heav’n Heav’n - Marian Anderson

4 Crucifixion

Crucifixion - Marian Anderson

5 Swing low, sweet chariot

Swing low, sweet chariot - Jules Bledsoe

7 Couln’t hear nobody pray

Couldn’t hear nobody pray - Evelyn Dove

8 Go down, Moses

Go down, Moses - Roland Hayes

11 Hear the lamb’s a cryin’

Hear the lamb’s a cryin’ - Roland Hayes

12 Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen

Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen - Dorothy Maynor

13 Steal away to Jesus

Steal away to Jesus - Dorothy Maynor

14 Go down, Moses

Go down Moses - John Payne

14 Deep river

Deep river - John Payne

15 Sometimes I feel like a motherless child

Sometimes I feel like a motherless child - Paul Robeson 1926

16 Witness

Witness - Paul Robeson

17 Were you there ?

Were you there ? - Paul Robeson

Contenu (CD 2)

2 There is a balm in Gilead

There is a balm in Gilead - Fisk Jubilee Singers

3 Little David

Little David - Fisk Jubilee Singers

6 De blind man stood on the road and cried

De blind man stood on the road and cried - Morris Brown Quartet

7 Climbing Jacob’s ladder

Climbing Jacob’s ladder - New Orleans University Glee Club

8 Hallelujah

Hallelujah - Rust College Quartet

13 Mary don’t you weep

Mary don’t you weep - Utica Jubilee Singers

14 I’m so glad troubles don’t last always

I’m so glad troubles don’t last always - West Virgina Collegiate Singers

15 Joshua fit the battle of Jericho

Joshua fit the battle of Jericho - Dixie Jubilee Singers

17 Standin’ in the need of prayer

Standin’ in the need of prayer - Hall Johnson Negro Choir

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