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I know the Lord

dimanche 14 mai 2006

I know the Lord, I know the Lord
I know the Lord has laid His hands on me
I know the Lord, I know the Lord
I know the Lord has laid His hands on me

1 Did ever you see the like before
I know the Lord has laid His hands on me
King Jesus preaching to the poor ?
I know the Lord has laid His hands on me

2 O wasn’t that a happy day
When Jesus washed my sins away ?

3 Some seek the Lord and don’t seek Him right
They fool all day and pray at night

4 My Lord’s done just what He said
He’s healed the sick and raised the dead

I know the Lord has laid His hands on me
Enregistrement du 13 décembre 2008, apprentissage en master-class
I know the Lord has laid His hands on me - Master-class du 26 février 2013

Enregistré par : Paul Robeson

O know the Lord - Paul Robeson

et par : The Pearly Gates Spiritual Singers

I know the Lord laid His hands on me - The Pearly Gates Spiritual Singers

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