Accueil > Les Negro spirituals > Le répertoire des Negro spirituals : textes et enregistrements > There is a hand writing on the wall

There is a hand writing on the wall

lundi 15 mai 2006

There is a hand writing on the wall
There in a hand writing on the wall
O won’t you come and read it
See what it says
There is a hand writing on the wall

O Daniel ! Who wrote the letter ?
God wrote the letter
Tell old Nebucaneezah that he’s weighed
In the balance and found wanting

There is a hand writing on the wall
There is a hand writing on the wall - Park Glee Club 1951
Disque 78 tours enregistré en 1951 par le Park Glee Club et Louis-T. Achille

Enregistré par : Heavenly Gospel Singers

Handwriting on the wall - Heavenly Gospel Singers

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