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The Angel rolled the stone away

lundi 15 mai 2006

The Angel rolled the stone away
The Angel rolled the stone away
’Twas on a bright and shiny morn’
When the trumpet begin to sound
The Angel rolled the stone away

1 Sister Mary came-a-running
At the break of day
Brought the news from Heaven
The stone done roll away

2 I’m looking for my Saviour
Tell me where He lay
High up on the mountain
The stone done roll away

3 The soldiers there a plenty
Standing by the door
But they could not hinder
The stone done roll away

4 Old Pilate and his wise men
Didn’t know what to say
The miracle was on them
The stone done roll away

The Angel rolled the stone away

Enregistré par : Rev D.-C. Rice

The Angels rolled the stone away - Rev. D.C. Rice

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