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Swing low, sweet chariot

lundi 15 mai 2006

Swing low, sweet chariot
Coming for to carry me home
Swing low, sweet chariot
Coming for to carry me home

1 I looked over Jordan And what did I see ?
Coming for to carry me home
A band of angels, Coming after me
Coming for to carry me home

2 Sometimes, I’m up, Sometimes I’m down
But still my soul Is heavenly bound
Coming for to carry me home

3 If you get there, Before I do
Tell all my friends, I’m coming too
Coming for to carry me home

Enregistré par : Louis-Thomas Achille en 1934

Swing low sweet chariot - Louis-Thomas Achille 1934

par : The Golden Gate Quartet

Swing low, sweet chariot - The Golden Gate Quartet

par : Louis Armstrong

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par : Kim & Reggie Harris

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par : Paul Robeson

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par : The Belleville a Capella Choir

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par : Derek Lee Ragin & the Moses Hogan chorale

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par : Marion Williams

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par : Em’Bee & the Gospel move singers

Swing low, sweet chariot - Em’Bee & the Gospel move singers au festival international de Gospel de Paris

par : Azusa Pacific University choir

Swing low - Azusa Pacific University choir

par : Mavis Staples & Lucky Peterson

Swing low, sweet chariot - Mavis Staples & Lucky Peterson

par : Pat Lewis

Swing low, sweet chariot - Pat Lewis

par : Albert Ayler

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par : Jules Bledsoe

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par : Barbara Hendricks & Dmitri Alexeev

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par : The Revelators

Swing low, sweet chariot - The Revelators

par : John Littleton

Swing low sweet chariot - John Littleton

et par : Hall Johnson Negro Choir

Swing low, sweet chariot - Hall Johnson Negro Choir

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