Accueil > Les Negro spirituals > Le répertoire des Negro spirituals : textes et enregistrements > Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen

Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen

dimanche 14 mai 2006

Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen
Nobody knows but Jesus
Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen
Glory ! Hallelujah !

1 Sometimes I’m up, sometimes I’m down
O yes Lord
Sometimes I’m almost to the ground
O yes Lord

2 Although you see me going along so
O yes Lord
I have my troubles here below
O yes Lord

Nobody knows
Nobody knows
Roll, Jordan roll suivi de Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen - Park Glee Club 1951
Disque 78 tours enregistré en 1951 par le Park Glee Club et Louis-T. Achille

Enregistré par : The Golden Gate Quartet

Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen - The Golden Gate Quartet

par : Paul Robeson

Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen - Paul Robeson

par : Nat "king" Cole

Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen - Nat "King" Cole

par : Mister BlaiZ

Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen - Mister BlaiZ

par : Albert Ayler

Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen - Albert Ayler

par : Mahalia Jacskon

Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen - Mahalia Jacskon

par : The Riverside Gospel Congregation

Nobody knows - The Riverside Gospel Congregation

par : Derek Lee Ragin & Moses Hogan

Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen - Derek Lee Ragin & Moses Hogan

par : Wimberly Family Gospel Singers

Nobody knows - Wimberly Family Gospel Singers

par : Chabada

Nobody knows - Chabada

par : Ruby Philogene & London Adventist Chorale

Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen - Ruby Philogene & London Adventist Chorale

par : Mavis Staples & Lucky Peterson

Nobody knows - Mavis Staples & Lucky Peterson

par : The Highway Q.C’s

Nobody knows - The Highway Q.C’s

par : Dorothy Maynor

Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen - Dorothy Maynor

par : Barbara Hendricks & Dmitri Alexeev

Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen - Barbara Hendricks & Dmitri Alexeev

par : The Jackson Singers

Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen - The Jackson Singers

par : Agnès Sarkis

Nobody knows - Agnès Sarkis

et par : Louis Armstrong (1958)

Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen - Louis Armstrong and the Good Book

et Louis Armstrong (1938)

Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen - Louis Armstrong 1938

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