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Keep your hand on the plow (Hold on)

dimanche 14 mai 2006

Hold on, hold on
Keep your hand on the plow, hold on

1 If you want to get to Heav’n I tell you how
Just keep your hand on the Gospel plow
Keep your hand on the plow, hold on
If that plow stays in your hand
Land you straight the Promised land
Keep your hand on the plow, hold on

2 Mary wore three links of chain
Ev’ry link was my Jesus’ name
Keep on plowing, don’t you tire
Every round goes high an’higher

3 I Heard the voice of Jesus say
Come on to me, I am the way
When my way get through this night
O the Lord will be my light

4 You can talk about me as much as you please
For your talking ain’t gonna stay on me
When I get to Heav’n go sing and shout
’ll be nobody There to put me out

Keep your hand on the plow(hold on)

Enregistré par : Mahalia Jacskon

Keep your hand on the plow - Mahalia Jackson

par : Barbara Hendricks & Dmitri Alexeev

Hold on ! - Barbara Hendricks & Dmitri Alexeev

et par : Hall Johnson Negro Choir, dans la compilation America ! vol. 4

Keep your hand on the plow - Hall Johnson Negro Choir

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