Accueil > Les Negro spirituals > Le répertoire des Negro spirituals : textes et enregistrements > Give me that old-time religion

Give me that old-time religion

dimanche 14 mai 2006

Give me that old-time religion
Give me that old-time religion
Give me that old-time religion
It’s good enough for me

1 It was good for my old father
It was good for my old mother
It was good for Paul and Silas
It’s good enough for me

2 It was good for the Hebrew children ter
It’s good enough for me...

Give me that old time religion

Enregistré par : The Riverside Gospel Congregation

Old time religion - The Riverside Gospel Congregation

par : Tori Robinson with the Vintage Jazzmen

Give me that old time religion - Tori Robinson with the Vintage Jazzmen

par : Hovie Lister & the Statesmen

Old time religion - Hovie Lister & the Statesmen

par : Derek Lee Ragin & Moses Hogan

Ole time religion - Derek Lee Ragin & Moses Hogan

par : Sister Rosetta Tharpe & Chris Barber orchestra

Old time religion - Sister Rosetta Tharpe & Chris Barber orchestra

Par : Clarence Williams

Old time religion Clarence Williams

et par : The original five blind boys of Alabama

Old time religion - The original five blind boys of Alabama

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