Accueil > Les Negro spirituals > La discothèque du Park Glee Club > Negro spirituals - Barbara Hendricks & Dmitri Alexeev

Negro spirituals - Barbara Hendricks & Dmitri Alexeev

vendredi 20 août 2010



1 Sometimes I feel like a motherless child

Sometimes I feel like a motherless child - Barbara Hendricks & Dmitri Alexeev

3 Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen

Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen - Barbara Hendricks & Dmitri Alexeev

4 Git on boa’d little chld’n

Git on boa’d little childr’n - Barbara Hendricks & Dmitri Alexeev

7 Deep river

Deep river - Barbara Hendricks & Dmitri Alexeev

8 When I lay my burden down

When I lay my burden down - Barbara Hendricks & Dmitri Alexeev

9 Swing low, sweet chariot

Swing low, sweet chariot - Barbara Hendricks & Dmitri Alexeev

11 Joshua fit the battle of Jericho

Joshua fit the battle of Jericho - Barbara Hendricks & Dmitri Alexeev

14 Hold on !

Hold on ! - Barbara Hendricks & Dmitri Alexeev

15 Were you there ?

Were you there ? - Barbara Hendricks & Dmitri Alexeev

16 Evr’y time I feel de Spirit

Everytime I feel the Spirit - Barbara Hendricks & Dmitri Alexeev

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