Accueil > Les Negro spirituals > La discothèque du Park Glee Club > Best loved Gospels & Spirituals - The Riverside Gospel Congregation

Best loved Gospels & Spirituals - The Riverside Gospel Congregation

samedi 7 août 2010


  • Titre : Best loved Gospels & Spirituals
  • Interprètes : The Riverside Gospel Congregation (aucun site web propre, pas possible à première vue d’identifier ce groupe)
  • Arrangements : Arnold
  • Editeur : EMI Music France
  • Référence : 823221-2
  • Date d’enregistrement : pas de précision


1 Roll Jordan Roll

Roll Jodan roll - The Riverside Gospel Congregation

2 He’s got the whole world in His hand

He’s got the whole world in His hands - The Riverside Gospel Congregation

3 The battle of Jericho

The battle of Jericho - The Riverside Gospel Congregation

5 Down by the riverside

Down by the riverside - The Riverside Gospel Congregation

7 Deep river

Deep river - The Riverside Gospel Congregation

8 Go down Moses

Go down Moses - The Riverside Gospel Congregation

9 When the Saints go marching in

When the Saints go marching in - The Riverside Gospel Congregation

10 Old time religion

Old time religion - The Riverside Gospel Congregation

12 Get on board (Gospel train)

Get on board (the Gospel train) - The Riverside Gospel Congregation

13 Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen

Nobody knows - The Riverside Gospel Congregation

14 My Lord what a morning

My Lord, what a morning - The Riverside Gospel Congregation

15 Go tell it on the mountain

Go tell it on the mountain - The Riverside Gospel Congregation

16 Sometimes I feel like a motherless child

Sometimes I feel like a motherless child - The Riverside Gospel Congregation

18 It’s me oh Lord

It’s me oh Lord - The Riverside Gospel Congregation

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