Accueil > Les Negro spirituals > Le répertoire des Negro spirituals : textes et enregistrements > Sometimes, I feel like a motherless child

Sometimes, I feel like a motherless child

lundi 15 mai 2006

1 Sometimes, I feel like a motherless child
Sometimes, I feel like a motherless child
Sometimes, I feel like a motherless child
A long ways from home
A long ways from home

True believer !
A long ways from home
A long ways from home

2 Sometimes I feel like I am almost gone ter
Way up in the heavenly land
Way up in the heavenly land

Sometimes I feel like a motherless child

Enregistré par : The Golden Gate Quartet

Sometimes I feel like a motherless child - The Golden Gate Quartet

par : Barbara Hendricks & Dmitri Alexeev

Sometimes I feel like a motherless child - Barbara Hendricks & Dmitri Alexeev

par : The Riverside Gospel Congregation

Sometimes I feel like a motherless child - The Riverside Gospel Congregation

par : Palata singers

Sometimes I feel like a motherless child - Palata singers

par : Paul Robeson en 1945

Sometimes I feel like a motherless child - Paul Robeson 1945

et en 1923

Sometimes I feel like a motherless child - Paul Robeson 1926

par : Ruby Philogene & London Adventist Chorale

Sometimes I feel like a motherless child - Ruby Philogene & London Adventist Chorale

par : Derek Lee Ragin & Moses Hogan

Sometimes I feel like a motherless child - Derek Lee Ragin & Moses Hogan

par : Melek Habassa and the New Melody

Sometimes I feel like a motherless child - Melek Habassa and the New Melody

par : John Littleton

Sometimes I feel like a motherless child - John Littleton

Et par : Louis Armstrong

Sometimes I feel like a motherless child - Louis Arsmtrong

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