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Ride on, king Jesus

dimanche 14 mai 2006

Ride on, king Jesus No man can-a-hinder me
Ride on, king Jesus, ride on No man can-a-hinder me

1 King Jesus rode on a milk-white horse
No man can-a hinder me
The river of Jordan He did cross
No man can-a hinder me

2 Hallelujah to the Lamb
Jesus died for every man

3 He died for you and He died for me
He died to set poor sinners free

4 He died for the rich and He died for the poor
He ain’t come here to die no more

Ride on King Jesus

Enregistré par : Ruby Philogene

Ride on, king Jesus - Ruby Philogene

et par : John Littleton

Ride on king Jesus - John Littleton

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