Accueil > Les Negro spirituals > Le répertoire des Negro spirituals : textes et enregistrements > Oh Mary don’t you weep

Oh Mary don’t you weep

dimanche 14 mai 2006

Oh Mary don’t you weep
Martha don’t you mourn
Oh Mary don’t you weep
Martha don’t you mourn
Pharaoh’s army drowned in the Red sea
Oh Mary don’t you weep Martha don’t you mourn

1 If I could I surely would
Stand on the rock where Moses stood

2 Moses stood on the red sea shore
Smoting the water with a two-by-four

3 The Lord told Moses what to do
To lead those Hebrew children through

4 Mary wore three links of chain
Every link was Jesus’ name

5 Mary wore three links of chain
Every link was Freedom’s name

Enregistré par : Nat "king" Cole

O Mary don’t you weep - Nat "king" Cole

par : The Swan Silvertones

Oh ! Mary don’t you weep - The Swan Silvertones

par : Utica Jubilee Singers

Mary don’t you weep - Utica Jubilee Singers

par : Les Compagnons du Jourdain

Mary don’t’ you weep ! - Les Compagnons du Jourdain

et par : Family Factory

Oh ! Mary don’t you weep - Familly factory

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